N-Ball is a crazy physics-based 2D platform. In this game you control N-Ball, a kind of ever burning plasma ball, through 40 levels full of platforms, ropes, swings, vehicles and lots of other weird structures. And with the level editor (available with the full version) you can also create your own levels or play those made by your friends! A bit tricky at first but lots of fun once you get the hang of it!
Download the Free Demo:
N-Ball for Windows (4.3MB)
N-Ball for Macintosh (4.4MB)
N-Ball is Shareware:
If you like N-Ball, you can purchase the full version. This will allow you to complete all 40 levels, make new levels with the editor and play campaigns made by other users.
Payment is handled by Share-it, our authorized reseller, through a secure web site. You will receive your registration code (serial number) immediately after purchasing. Just type the code in the "register" screen in the game to unlock the full version.
Notice: future updates are free for registered users. Please conserve your registration number as you might need it for future updates.
Additional Campaigns:
Finished all 40 levels? No problem! With the full version of N-Ball you can play these original user-made campaigns!
1)Download a campaign from the links below
2)Unzip it
3)Place the folder it in the campaigns folder of N-Ball
4)Run N-Ball and play the campaign!
KFinished Campaign by Kevin
LB's Campaign by LB
ColinZhang 1 by Colin Zhang
ColinZhang 2 by Colin Zhang
ColinZhang Christmas by Colin Zhang
bYtock's Paradise by bYtock
N-Ball Legacy by Yisrolik
Holy Campaign by s!em
Rote Rope Campaign by s!em
Evil Campaign by s!em
JP 1 by JP of GS
JP 2 by JP of GS
JP 3 by JP of GS
JP 4 by JP of GS
JP 5 by JP of GS
Kevin's Campaign 1 by Kevin
Kevin's Campaign 2 by Kevin
Kevin's Campaign 3 by Kevin
Kevin's Campaign 4 by Kevin
Kevin's Campaign 5 by Kevin
Aerock's Space Pirates by Aerock
Aerock Campaign by Aerock
Space Campaign by tigerSlash_X
Ben's Campaign by Ben
Ben's Campaign 2 by Ben
EZ Kinda Campaign by Archer444
2bknown's Campaign by 2bknown
If you liked one or more of these campaigns and want to thank the authors, you can find them on the forums!
MacObserver.com: "Following a classic side-scroller/platform jumper formula, N-Ball 2.0 combines an ultra-realistic physics engine with an imaginative platform environment to make for one of the strangest, but most playable, games available in current Mac shareware!"
Download.com editor's review: "Overall, we found this an extremely unique and challenging game. If you like simple arcade games that require some real hand-eye coordination, or if you just want to try something new, this is a great download."